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Interior & Exterior Signage

There are many guidelines when it comes to signage. For instance, the first consideration is the purpose of the sign. In all cases, a sign is used to convey a message, or give direction.

In retail business both, an internal and an external sign will typically have a message that is designed to attract customers. Internal signs, such pricing, product advertising, restrooms, break room, and employees only, are among the most common signs we see and experience everywhere we go. Signage is an important part of business and as such it needs careful consideration when designing one for a specific purpose.

Another part of the design along with the purpose of the sign is the placement. Therefore, these questions should have answers before the sign is completed, what is the message and where is it going to be displayed? From a marketing standpoint, both aspects carry the same importance. Picture the many billboards constructed on the side of our Ottawa streets and highways and the messages that are placed on them.

If you are running a retail business there are a lot of different types of signs you need. For other types of business, you may only need a logo design and a short message stating what the logo means, or what the business is. In any scenario, Ottawa marketing has the team and the experience you seek in helping you design both your internal and external signage.

We would like to add that if you can visualize what your business needs are contact us with your questions or concerns.