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Small Business Marketing – 12 Facebook Ad Hacks

Small Business Marketing – 12 Facebook Ad Hacks

Small Business Marketing

Here are some Facebook ad tips to help you get more results.  They are in no specific order of importance.

  1. Use Canva to get the correct size image for your ads and or posts. Different objectives call for different size images.
  2. Start using facebook messenger bots aren’t the next big thing, they are big now!
  3. Use video as often as possible, people prefer to watch and so if people are taking the time to watch your video Facebook will reward you by showing it to more people because you are keeping them engaged on the platform longer.
  4. Use square video’s VS 16:9 landscape video. Why?  Square videos get 30-40% more views, 80-100% more engagement, all while cost you 8-10 % less.  
  5. Keep your video’s under 59 seconds if you want to advertise on Instagram.
  6. Use trackable links. Bitly is a free resource you can use.
  7. If you don’t have the Facebook pixel set up, make sure to get this installed on your website.
  8. Read the book ca$hvertising by Drew Whitman.  It’s jam-packed with powerful tips. Apply them and you will get more clicks. Guaranteed.
  9. If your product or service relies on people actually living in your area for example maybe you only do construction in Ottawa. Make sure to select “People who Live In This Area”. Why? Because you don’t want your ads to show to people who are JUST visiting but don’t actually live in your local serviceable market.
  10. Use numbers in your headlines. “3 tips on how to pour wine like a boss” “5 ways to wow your customers” ” 6 FREE ways to get positive reviews on autopilot”.
  11. Use persuasive words like New, Free, Because, You, Instantly as often as possible.
  12. Limit the writing on your ad creative to less than 20%. You can check your ratios prior to using the photo with facebooks text overlay tool to make sure you don’t get penalized and pay more than you have to for having to much text on your image.
  13. Sample small and test A LOT. Over half of the businesses who try to advertise on Facebook fail. Why? If you ask me:

1. They give up way too early.

2. They don’t document and test throughout the process.

The beauty of online marketing and Facebook, in particular, is being able to run lots of small inexpensive tests on the fly. You don’t need to spend $10,000 on a radio ad to figure out your ad or offer sucks.



I hope this was helpful! Do you have you hacks that have been working well? Share in the comments.